Sunday, September 26, 2010

Today, We Are All Pizzarazzi...


Next week we begin working with Photography, and outside of grades and personal edification, what could be more motivational than $500 cold, hard cash?

Check out this vid:

So, I've decided that we should try to win this thing with students in the BA&D program.  That means YOU.

Starting Wednesday, we'll be doing hands on activities with cameras and lenses during (and outside of) class, and why not get started with a pizza party?  If you'd like to have dinner with the class, bring $3-$5 in singles and we'll pool our resources at the beginning of class, order our pizzas, begin the lecture, and start shooting when the pizzas arrive.  I'm also down if anyone wants to try for a Saturday lunch pizza shoot after the lab closes down, and a pizza party to screen a Photography Documentary and other videos I have.  We'll discuss in class Wednesday

This isn't the only exercise we'll begin Wednesday, either, so if you're not down for the pizza party, don't think that's all there'll be to class.

In fact, here's your reading:

Composition 101
  1. TWIP Tips for Beginners
  2. NatGeo on Composition
  3. DPS on the Rule of Thirds
  4. DPS on 10 Questions to Ask When Taking a Photo
  5. Nikonians on 5 Easy Composition Tricks
Technical Beginnings
  1. DPS on Learning Exposure
  2. DPS Introduction to Aperture
  3. DPS Introduction to ISO
  4. DPS Introduction to Shutter Speed
  5. Aperture and Shutter Priority Modes
  6. DPS on Controlling Aperture and Shutter Speed on P&S
Camera Work
  1. DPS on Digital Camera Modes
  2. NatGeo on Camera Symbols
Helpful Guides for Your Projects
  1. DPS Macro Tips
  2. NatGeo Tips for Shooting Macros
  3. NatGeo on Action Photo Tips
  4. NatGeo on Storytelling
  5. DPS Interview with Self-Portraitist and 365er Anna Gay
  6. PhotoNet Exhaustive Look at Architectural Photography
  7. DPS Urban Landscape Tips
  8. DPS on Great Group Photos
  9. DPS on Shooting Pets (with cameras, not guns)
  10. DPS on Landscapes
  11. Scott Bourne on B&W Photography
  12. PhotoArgus on Painting with Light
If this all seems daunting, you're over-thinking it and under-estimating yourself.  I want to make sure you have the basics down, that you're not afraid to experiment, and that you get in the habit (at least for this semester) of taking photos regularly.  We're going to have fun.  You're going to learn a lot.  And you're going to take a lot of photos.  Remember, as Henri Cartier-Bresson said, "Your first 10,000 photos are your worst."

I do NOT expect you to read all of this before class Wednesday (9/29), but I do expect you to go through this in the weeks ahead, and I wouldn't be surprised if an online quiz (announced) showed up on a Saturday morning (or two).

Happing snapping!



  1. Now this is what I've been waiting on!!!!!!!!!!!!

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