Tuesday, August 31, 2010

REVIEW: First PLN Summaries


While a few of you have yet to hand in your first PLN summaries, I want to post some notes on them in general based on the ones that have come in.  In general, I am really impressed with you and what excites you, and I think what this class will be able to accomplish over the course of the semester will be awesome.  Based on your comments, some of you are already transforming the way you access information and find opportunities, which is awesome.  However, moving forward, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Spelling counts.  So does grammar.  Please accept this in the spirit it is intended.  Some of the written responses I received were not up to academic standards, let along professional ones.  Ultimately, if I do my job correctly it will help each of you land a job and a satisfying career.  I will not take off points for spelling and grammar errors (yet!) but please be mindful of your writing when you submit something for review.  Proofread before you send.  Watch for suggestions from the word processor on typos.  Perhaps even share with a colleague.

    Had I been an employer, some of the typos and grammar I saw would have thrown up warning flags about a potential employee's professionalism.
  2. Title your files,  Many of you shared with me untitled documents.  I realize that our Google Docs demo was rushed, and I am not deducting points for this first go 'round, but you should always title a file you're working with.
  3. Speaking of working with files and sharing, the way I wanted to receive these involved you going to the top right of your Google Doc and under the share drop down menu, selecting share settings and adding me by my email address (bencapozzi@mac.com) as I have done in the screen shots below.

    As you see indicated in the top right of your Google Docs window.

    Except here where I've added "tina," you'd add bencapozzi@mac.com...

    ...So that I can leave comments on the side in orange as pictured here.
  4. Summarize 5 (FIVE) articles.  As described in the Bi-Weekly Summary Guidelines here.
  5. If you are unsure, contact me.  I've given you a phone number, email, AND text number to reach me at.  A few of you made excellent use of those services to contact me over the week when things weren't going as planned.  Those who remained silent, I assumed were AOK.  But we know that's accurate, since I'm still missing more than a few assignments.
  6. Spell "Summary" and its plural form, "Summaries" correctly.
  7. If you're still not getting the hang of this, that's fine.  You'll have 3 more chances to do this over the next 6 weeks, and then this will take on a different form as audio mp3s, which will bring with them their own challenges.  But that's for later.
Okay, 'nuff said!  (Unless you have questions, in which case contact me.)


You're Better Than That!

Nice bit of inspiration from (an old movie, to you kids) Rocky!  The designer, Kargov, has some neat stuff on his site here.  Check it out for more work.

My guess is this was done using Motion, but maybe not.  If you're interested in this sort of text-based animation, let me know and you may be able to build your project around it.


Monday, August 23, 2010


Win an Entire Photo Book Library http://bit.ly/cBu94c
Check this out!  It's even easier to enter than the previous.  All you have to do is tweet to be eligible for some great free photography books; you don't even have to take any pictures! (Yet!)


Sunday, August 22, 2010


The American: Undercover Photography Contest http://bit.ly/9BM4Nw

The entry deadline is THIS WEEK, but this looks like an AWESOME contest for photographers.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

HOMEWORK DUE Wednesday 8/25


Before Wednesday's first class, please do the following:

    • The email's SUBJECT should be "ART 130 Fall 2010: Hello World."
    • In the email BODY, please introduce yourself with your name; where you're from; your educational/career goals; and a little detail about why you're taking this class.
Please observe that these directions are specific.  Please pay attention to detail.

In class Wednesday night, we'll cover the course outline, introductions, and setting up the various accounts and services you'll need to get started in this class.

I look forward to seeing you all Wednesday night!


Friday, August 20, 2010




By semester's end, this cartoon will seem funnier, and you will be one of the people "Not Computer People" go to for help with computer problems.

You will also know SO much more than the average person about working with photography, audio, video, and web-based tools you will be looked at as a "guru" among your friends.

You will know how to create and maintain an online presence.

You will have a portfolio of digital work to share.

You will have the basic digital literacy skills needed to reinvigorate an old career or business, start a new one, or build an empire.

Welcome to Digital Multimedia.

~mister c